Lets Get Into Summer
What do we all like to do come summer? Lets Head to the Beach...… Women`s Swim Wear $22.99 free shipping Description Material: Polyester...

My Top 5 Rules for Digital Marketing Success
Today's consumers have high expectations for their online interactions with businesses Here are my five rules for generating loyalty and...

Elements of a Winning Advertisement
Making advertising dollars stretch is key to small business survival. Don't play guessing games with your ads. Use these elements as your...

Attracting New Customers
To keep your business healthy you need a steady flow of customers coming through your business. Try using these eight steps to attract...

What's Your Plan - Lets Follow SFI's - The Plan
So you want your SFI business to grow. You wonder what show I be doing? Well SFI has exactly what you are looking for, "The Plan" There...

Your First Month At SFI Is Now Behind You. Now What.
That first month here at SFI was a success, you reached EA status and have gone through all the launchpad lessons. But now your stuck...

As A New SFI Affiliate Where Do I Start
Its your first day, now where to start. Don't Get Overwhelmed Lets Start Slow Your at your homepage lets take a look at the very top of...

Why You Should Take a Break
When people look at highly productive people, they often say things like, “They make it look effortless” and “They don’t even look like...

It's Time To Get Your Game Face On At Eager Zebra, Our Games Division.
With a nice selection of games, lets all have a relaxing day away from the daily grind. Lets start off with the newest Game at Eager...

The Big Question? How to Advertise?
Confused about how to advertise your business? Here are a few steps for planning an effective advertising strategy and choosing the best...

Advertising Headlines That Get Attention
Your headline is the most important part of any print ad. Most people will only read the headline, and the people who choose to read the...

A Word About Internet Advertising
We all need to grow our business and how we go about this is to advertise. We are all given many SFI websites as an affiliate. Now we...

Free Advertising Is It Worth Your Time?
Contrary to what some may say, free advertising on the Internet is NOT a waste of time. Many SFI Affiliates have successfully used free...