To Succeed At SFI You Need
14 Points That You Absolutely Need To Know To Succeed In SFI
1. Don't wait for everything to be exactly right to start...THERE WILL NEVER BE A "PERFECT" TIME! Start now, with whatever you have. The things you need will come to you as you work toward your goal.
2. Though SFI is one of the few businesses where you can earn while you learn, think of your first six months primarily as a training period. Don't expect large earnings until after you've educated yourself.
3. Don't give your affiliates unrealistic expectations.
4. Don't be derailed by "perfection paralysis." Realize that you won't be able to do everything perfectly. Do the best job you can, then move on to the next project. Keep learning and keep moving ahead.
5. Read books (such as Napoleon Hill's classic, "Think And Grow Rich") that will convince you how powerful your mind really is. Develop the tremendous potential in you (that we all have) that has never been tapped!
6. Always present yourself and your business in a professional and ethical manner.
7. Stick to the facts. Don't exaggerate the opportunity.
8. Realize that "rejection" is natural. For every 20 people you contact, expect 19 "no's" for every "yes." You may very well do better than that, but expect 19 rejections. This way, the rejections won't bother you because you expect them. Also, realize that they're not rejecting YOU—they're simply rejecting an idea. Just keep moving ahead. Be persistent, ignore the rejections, and you'll get more than enough "yes's" to build a highly successful business.
9. Have FUN! People can't resist someone having fun. Make your business so much fun that others will flock to you to join you.
10. Ask for people's opinion on the opportunity. It's a good way to determine what objections they might have to joining and also allows you the chance to overcome those objections.
11. Don't place a few ads or contact a few people and expect the money to start rolling in. Expect to work your business consistently for two to three years before seeing a really substantial income.
12. Ask for referrals. Ask, "Do you know anyone who might be looking to earn some extra money?"

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13. Build a list of contacts. Add to it daily.
14. Don't become obsessed with sponsoring a "heavy hitter." Instead, learn how to become a heavy hitter yourself.
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