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So You Want To Be Great

Principles For Transforming Your Business To Become A Great Business

In today's competing business world, being "good" sometimes will not be good enough. To truly succeed, you have to be “great”. But where do you begin? Use these principles below to help transform your business from mediocre to great.

In the words of motivational speaker, Les Brown -- "You don't have to be great to get started, but you do have to get started to be great."

Where do you want to start transforming your business into a great business?

Below are your top 7 essential ingredients for cultivating greatness within your own business:

1. Realize What Your Business Stands For and Stay With Those Values.

More than ever, today, clients do not just ask "what products do you provide?" In addition they also ask "what values do you stand for?" What values does your company stand for? What practices have you advanced to live those values daily?

2. Know Your Compelling "Why."

Viktor Frankl, the great Austrian psychiatrist, said it best: "Success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue ... as the unintended side effect of one's personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself."

For what "transcendent" cause does your company exist? How does your business make a distinction to your clients' lives?

3. Always Seek The Edge.

In 1954, Roger Bannister did the seemingly "impossible" and ran the first 4 minute mile. When asked how he did it, he said "It's the ability to take more out of yourself than you've got.'" How can you "take extra out of yourself than you have" to obtain the seemingly impossible in your company?


Contrarians are the change agents in the global business world. Those wealth-building businesses aren’t genuinely "executing higher" – they are greatly converting the guidelines to succeed in their field or industry. Where in your business can you break the rules? How can you set yourself aside from the crowd in your industry?

5. Find Models Of Greatness.

Within each industry, each geography, every career course, there are examples of greatness everywhere. Find those people, those organizations that incourage you the most. Why do you want to emulate them about them? What modifications can you make now to be like them?

6. Know The End In Mind.

Great organizations **decide** their destiny. They are not dictated by it. They know precisely where they want to be, by what time frame, how, and they’ll endure while getting there. What decisions have you made about your business future? What choices do you need to decide otherwise in order to have a wonderful outcome?

7. Commit To Personal Greatness.

Your company will be a direct reflection of where you are at. It simply will only grow as quickly as you do. To build a successful business, you must commit to your own personal greatness. How do you outline personal greatness for yourself? What changes can your making be, to help unleash your personal greatness?

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