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Are You a Born Leader


Natural leaders begin to acquire these qualities needed for success early in life.

Do you believe you know a leader when you see one? Most companies have the wrong impression of what a leader sincerely is and does. But, all the development efforts in the world can not deepen the leadership pool if they're centered on the wrong individuals to begin with.

The most brilliant strategist, the creative intellect, the economic technologist, and other bright people command attention and appreciation, and rightfully so. People appreciate such individuals' knowledge and intelligence, admire their opinions and ideas, and appear willing to follow them. Combined with a great mental ability and a strong work ethic they are driven to succeed, and no wonder people are affected. Oblivious of their own shortcomings, they drive to succeed, these so called experts push for management positions levels above their means, influencing -- sometimes even intimidating -- their bosses to promote them. But many lack essential leadership attributes. Although they may be successful for a while, but when put in charge of other people. They lack the natural ability to lead, the improbability to ever succeed as CEO's or executive managers will be outside their sphere of expertise.

What does a natural leader look like at the today? The standard attempts to answer that question, will take on the form of a laundry lists of personal qualities. These are essential, but on their own they can be deceptive, especially because the same extraordinary personal qualities can be found in many political leaders, spiritual leaders, and leaders in sports, many of whom don't have the natural endowment for business. Besides, many personal attributes and the aptitude associated with leadership in the past are inadequate in todays business world. You have to go beyond the list of personal traits you're looking for to include other indications that a person can succeed in guiding a business unit, or entire company in the future business context.

One way to consider about the raw talent or inner thinking of a business leader is to think of two strands of a structure: people acumen (the ability to attach people's energy) and business acumen (the keen essence of how a business acquires money). The first of these strands are pretty much in place in an individual by the time they reach their twenties. After that, you can test someone's people perception and business insight and give them opportunities to grow them. But we don't yet know how to implant them in a matured person, who lack them entirely. That's why uncovering these strands, however undeveloped they may be, should be central to any effort to associate leadership potential. People who lack them are improbable to ever reach the highest management levels, no matter how many different leadership skills they possess. Only when people acumen and business acumen are existing in some degree should individuals character come into play.

It's unproductive to argue whether those abilities and personal traits are natural or made. We know they begin to demonstrate themselves early in life and are securely in place in some people by the time they join the workforce. Some of those qualities may be possible and come to the open only later under certain conditions -- such as when a person who is not the authorized leader suddenly takes charge of a crisis. But it is improbable you can implant them into a matured person without the integral leadership aptitude to make them a leader.

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