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The Hardest 2 Letter Word to Say

One of the most compelling words that can assist you to save time, increase productivity, feel better about yourself and reach your goals faster and simplier is only two letters long! The problem is, it's almost the toughest to apply.

Discover how to put this little powerhouse to work for you without guilt or fear.

A common feature shared by all successful home business owners is the steadfast, almost fanatical way in which they guard their time.

Large corporations and organizations hire people and spread the responsibilities, and although I highly urge you to leverage your time by mininumizing interruptions and distractions that are a part of home business life.

People who play at the top of their game whether in business, sport or life, have learned how to either eliminate or reduce distractions by mastering the use of one simple word ... "No."

The inability and worry, around using these two little letters has caused more home business failures, stress, frustration and relationship troubles than any other.

And although many new home business owners insist their greatest weaknesses are lack of marketing and sales skills, the biggest obstacle that is blocking their ability to develop these skills is the fact they are not saying "no" to time-robbing activities so they can focus on building and growing.

Lack of time is the number one challenge every one brings to the table when we begin working at something new.

Often times I'll hear, "But I'm in start-up, I have to guard my spending" and I respond with, "You can't save yourself into profitability. You have to focus on making money."

This mental block will never allow you to grow, especially at an accelerated rate.

Low pay-off activities have to be prioritized and delt with. Do some creative brainstorming to create an action plan.

Learn to say "no" to the demands of daily living.

How many times have you said "yes" and knew it would take you away from your own priorities?

The two biggest obstacles in mastering the skill of saying "no" are fear and guilt.

Fear that you will be loved less or rejected and feeling guilty that you may have hurt someone's feelings.

Saying "no" doesn't have to hurt anyone or cause you to be rejected and the way you deliver the message can make all the difference for you.

To refuse a request be honest and assertive in your reply by stating, "I'm sorry, however I have to turn down your offer/request at this time because I've been so busy with ny obligations, I've neglected my own priorities and have to give them my attention right now."

Start small. Build your "no" muscle slow and easy and work your way up to the larger demands. Like any skill, you can develop it and once you become a master, you'll enjoy quantum leaps in your happiness levels and business success.

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