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Goals - Are You Achieving Yours

The person with a fixed goal, a clear picture of his desire, or an ideal always before him, causes it, through repetition, to be buried deeply in his subconscious mind and is thus enabled, thanks to its generative and sustaining power, to realize his goal in a minimum of time and with a minimum of physical effort. Just pursue the thought unceasingly. Step by step you will achieve realization, for all your faculties and powers become directed to that end. - Claude M. Bristol

Why is setting goals so important in becoming successful in SFI?

Here are 7 reasons why you should set a goal today.

#1. Direction: Without even the smallest of goals, it is easy to feel as though we lack direction or are lost. Having goals focuses our energy, and enables us to work towards something we value. When we feel as though we are floundering or aren’t quite sure what to achieve in SFI, setting goals can help us get back on course. #2. Gives clarity on your end mission: Setting your goals gives you clarity on what you ultimately want. It ensures that you are channeling your time, energy and efforts into things that really matters to you. It is what makes it easier for you to judge which SFI Program is best for you and to make smart conclusions. #3. Drives you forward: The point when you set goals marks one the points when you are most connected with your source of motivation. It is when your motivation is at its peak. Having goals at your side serve as constant reminders of your motivational sources. They are the fuel which drive you forward and keep you going when the going gets tough. #4. Gives you focus: Goals give you a single focal point to place your attention in. A goal acts as your funnel which guides and channels those inputs effectively into your desired output. When you don’t have goals, you are floating around every day. You may have a broad idea of what you want to do. But until you clearly articulate it out as specific goals, you are not channeling your efforts properly. #5. Makes you accountable: Setting a specific goal gives you clarity on whether you are living up against what you committed yourself to do when you first set your goal. For me, the goals i set is the number of my downline i want to turn to EA every month. When I set such targets in place, I become accountable toward delivering against it. If I find myself falling short, I will take the necessary actions to turn the situation around. I examine how I have been spending my time and start prioritizing across my daily tasks. #6. Boosting Self-Esteem: Without goals we don’t have accomplishments. Every time you set a goal and reach it, you prove to yourself that you are capable of achieving what you set out to achieve. This results in a natural boost to our self-esteem and a deeper belief in oneself. #7. To Reach our Full Potential: Goals enable us to move beyond our comfort zone and become the best we can be. They allow us to take-on new and exciting challenges and help us grow as individuals.

Now that you have set your Goals, follow SFI RULES OF SUCCESS !!!!!

Silver76Pack--Silver Bar

(1 Ounce) + 75 TCredits



A great deal for investors and TripleClicks members alike: A 1 Ounce Silver Bar, minted from .999 fine silver and sporting our own TC crown logo...PLUS 75 TCredits you can use to bid on future auctions, for member listings, and more.


Silver Bars are minted from .999 fine silver. Each features the TripleClicks crown logo and store URL.

Product Type: Bullion Dimensions: 30 mm x 51 mm Thickness: 3 mm Material: 1 oz .999 Silver

About silver: For thousands of years, silver has been used as a form of currency. Silver was the preferred unit of exchange in nearly every early culture worldwide. Today's paper money derives its purchasing power only through confidence in a nation's ability to maintain a "prudent fiscal policy." In turbulent times, such as those we are experiencing in the world today, diversifying your savings/investment strategy by adding silver may be a smart move. Indeed, many experts suggest that 10% to 15% of portfolio assets be in precious metals.

Learn more about investing in silver:

IMPORTANT! The retail price reflects today's market price for these silver products. Market prices for silver, like the prices of all commodities, fluctuate daily.


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